Reflex English Level 2 (B1) Mixte : présentiel / à distance

Dernière mise à jour : 31/05/2024

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Objectifs de la formation

Reflex English Level 2 s'adresse aux apprenants ayant validé les compétences du niveau débutant. Il est également recommandé pour ceux qui souhaitent réviser ou consolider les connaissances abordées en niveau intermédiaire.

Reflex English Level 2 permet d'atteindre le niveau B1 du CECRL, il est composé de 24 leçons d'apprentissage et de 6 leçons de test, avec de nombreuses animations de situations, de grammaire et de vocabulaire.

Parmi les objectifs de ce niveau : tenir une conversation simple sur des sujets liés au travail, à l'école, aux loisirs, faire face à des situations au cours d'un voyage dans un pays anglophone, s'exprimer à l'oral et à l'écrit de manière simple sur ses expériences et

ses ambitions, formuler de courtes explications ou justifications relatives à un projet ou une opinion.



Lesson 1 – Janice's interview: Part 1


•“To be” in the simple present

•“To have” in the simple present

•Some prepositions: in, on, at or to?

•Adverbs of frequency

•Wh- question wordsVocabulary

•Janice's interview

•Review of Beginner LevelLesson 2 – Janice's interview: Part 2


•Some or any

•Comparative form

•Superlative form

•Possessive adjectives

•Possessive pronouns

•Prepositions of spaceVocabulary

•Janice's interview

•Review of Beginner LevelLesson 3 – What do you do for a living?


•Asking and saying one's job

•Asking questions in the simple present

•« To be » and affirmative short answers

•« To be » and negative short answers

•Simple presentVocabulary


•Job-related verbsLesson 4 – Job talk


•Simple present: use and construction

•Simple present questions with

wh- question words

•Closed questions and short answers with

« do » or « to be » in the simple present

•This and that

•Adjectives: « good » and « bad »


•Asking questions with « what »

•« To know » in the simple present

•« To do » as a verbVocabulary

•Job talk

•In an office

•Computer equipment

•Working hours

•Centres of interest

SalaryLesson 6 – What did you do yesterday?


•The simple past tense

•« To do » in the simple past

•« To be » in the simple past

•Simple past: regular verbs

•Simple past: irregular verbsVocabulary

•Phrases with « to have »

•« To do » vs. « to make »Lesson 7 – A short story: Slim Johnson robbed a bank


•Simple past: some regular verbs

•Simple past: some irregular verbs

•Simple past: asking questionsVocabulary

•A short storyLesson 8 – What are you doing, Pete?


•Present participles

•The present continuous

•The present continuous: use

•The present continuous: questions with prepositions

•The present continuous: particular cases

•Questions tagsVocabulary

•Sense verbs

•Around « to think »

•Questions with why

•Around « to feel » and « to get »Lesson 9 – It used to be different back then


•Structures with « used to »

•« Used to » and other tenses

•Past participles: regular and

irregular verbs

•Present perfect

•« Such » or « such a »

•« To be used to »,

« to be getting used to »Vocabulary

•Around « the sun »

•Around « agriculture »

•Comparing thingsLesson 10 – Test lessons 6 to 9


Lesson 11 – How long ago was that?


•Since, for and ago

•Adverbs of place with -where

•The present perfect simple

•The past continuous

•The present perfect continuous

•That's/It's + adjective/noun + infinitiveVocabulary

•Interjections and


•At the doctor's

•At the chemist'sLesson 12 – What do you enjoy doing?


•Expressing likes and dislikes

•Likes and dislikes followed by verbs + -ing

•Putting nuances in likes and dislikes

•To look forward to

•Either / or, neither / nor, not / either

•« To look » or « to watch »

•« So do I », « neither do I », « I do », « I don't »

•All, every, eachVocabulary

•Spare time

•Around « spare »

•In the garden

•Some hobbies and interests

•Household chores

•Fish ‘n' chipsLesson 13 – What are you going to do?


•Pronouncing the letter « L »

•Talking about the future

•The future simple with « will »

•The near future with « be going to »

•Ever, never

•Type 1 conditional: the real future

•The verb « to explain »

•Modal verbsVocabulary

•Cultural activities

•Legal systemLesson 14 – The time


•The present conditional

•Type 2 conditional

•Hypotheses with « what if »

+ future or conditional


•Expressing wishes and regrets

•Reflexive pronouns

•Making suggestionsVocabulary

•What would you do?

•Talking about fear

•Quantifiers: talking about parts

•Around « life »Lesson 15 – Test lessons 11 to 14


Lesson 16 – I need to make a phone call


•« To need »: modal and regular verb

•« Won't + infinitive » – refusal to work

•Must or have to?Vocabulary

•The telephone

•Using the phone

•Town facilities

•To pay, to pay forLesson 17 – Dealing with phone conversations


•« To work » + prepositionsVocabulary

•Phone phrases

•Phone conversations

•Organizational chart and positions

•Company departmentsLesson 18 – British English versus American English


•Irregular verbs and regular verbs (GB) ≠ (US)

•Present perfect and simple past (GB) ≠ (US)

•Phrases with « to have » or « to take »

•Phrases with « to have » or « to have got »

•Different prepositions

•« Like » or « as »

•Writing dates

•Giving advice with « had better »


•Words ending in a vowel + -L

•Spelling differences

•Completely different wordsLesson 19 – Thanksgiving: an American tradition


•The passive voice (past, present, future)

•Compound adjectives

•The word « meat »: both countable and uncountable


•General knowledge: the USA


•Holiday (GB) / Vacation (US)

•Animals and meat

•A song about New YorkLesson 20 – Test lessons 16 to 19


Lesson 21 – You didn't tell her, did you?


•Question tags

•Informal contractionsVocabulary

•Around « secrets and suspicions »

•Around « mistake »

•Around « back »

•Around « unemployment »

•« On earth », « the hell »Lesson 22 – She told me she was coming tonight


•Reported speech

•Present perfect vs. simple past

•Despite, in spite of, although,

even though

•Both or neitherVocabulary

•TV news

•Talking about injuries

•Around « to let »

•Verbs beginning with « over »

•Around « sport »Lesson 23 – UFO report


•Adjectives ending in -ish

•« Like » or « as »?

•Qualifying the size

•Expressing certainty

•Reported questions, requests and orders Vocabulary

•Outside news

•Around « hear »

•Around « fire brigade »Lesson 24 – Weather and climate in the UK


•Talking about weather forecast

•Double comparative (the more…/the more…,

the less…/the less…)

•Weather idioms


•Weather and climate in the UK

•Around rain, clouds, cold, winds, temperature

•The compass rose

•Geography of the UKLesson 25 – Test lessons 21 to 24


Lesson 26 – Describing things


•Useful questions, order of adjectives

•Adverbs: « too » and « enough »

•Vague expressions

•Question tags: particular case

•Contractions of verbs

•Made of, from, out of, with

•Utility and functions: passive voice structures

•Passive voice with « to be made to do (something) »


•Describing things

•MaterialsLesson 27 – Describing people


•Character and behaviour: opposite adjectives

•Compound adjectives

•Useful verbs: things you can do with your mouth


•Talking about character and behaviour

•Talking about age

•Around the face

•Talking about physical appearance

•Talking about height

•Talking about weight

•Describing hair

•Talking about complexion and skinLesson 28 – What would you have done?


•Past conditional

•Type III conditional: formation, use

•Type III conditional with modal verbs

•Type III conditional with « even if »

•To be able, can / could

•Expressing regrets in the past

•Conditional types: reviewVocabulary

•At the meeting

•Around « to miss »

•Around « to bother »Lesson 29 – Writing emails and letters


•Around « to write »


•Around emails

•Layout of emails

•Writing and sending an email

•Around regular mail

•Layout of a formal letter

•Opening salutations, complimentary closes

•The message of the letteLesson 30 – Test lessons 26 to 29


Reflex English Grammar B1/B2

•Lesson 1 - The future using present simple and continuous

•Lesson 2 - The future using going to, will and present perfect

•Lesson 3 - Past continuous vs. simple past

•Lesson 4 - Past perfect - Formation and use

•Lesson 5 - Present perfect continuous - Formation and use

•Lesson 6 - Future continuous

•Lesson 7 - Expressions with 'used to' and 'would'

•Lesson 8 - 1st, 2nd and 3rd conditionals

•Lesson 9 - Reported speech

•Lesson 10 - Wishes in the present

•Lesson 11 - Wishes in the past

•Lesson 12 - The passive voice

•Lesson 13 - Have done - Make do

•Lesson 14 - Modals

•Lesson 15 - Defining relative clauses

•Lesson 16 - Non-defining relative clauses

•Lesson 17 - Object and subject questions

•Lesson 18 - Question tags

•Lesson 19 - Adjectives ending in ED or ING

•Lesson 20 - Multiple adjectives: word orderReflex English Vocabulary B1/B2

•Lesson 1 - Countries and symbols

•Lesson 2 - Materials

•Lesson 3 - Nature

•Lesson 4 - Shops

•Lesson 5 - In the city

•Lesson 6 - Urban vs. rural life

•Lesson 7 - Tourism

•Lesson 8 - Computer science

•Lesson 9 - Cooking

•Lesson 10 - Expressing quantities

•Lesson 11 - At the restaurant

•Lesson 12 - At the hotel

•Lesson 13 - On the phone

•Lesson 14 - Feelings and emotions

•Lesson 15 - Health and illness

•Lesson 16 - Five senses

•Lesson 17 - At the doctor's

•Lesson 18 - The Arts

•Lesson 19 - The Earth

Lesson 20 - Astrology and the Solar System

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    Sous-Catégorie : Anglais
  • Durée : 105h
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