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Reflex English Getting a job est une ressource digitale spécifique qui s'adresse aux apprenants de niveau intermédiaire. Elle est composée de 9 modules dédiés au vocabulaire et à l'organisation du travail en entreprise, suivis des techniques de recherche d'emploi.
Parmi les sujets traités :
‐ vocabulaire de la structure de l'entreprise : postes, départements, missions, organigrammes, etc.
‐ vocabulaire du monde du travail : métiers, horaires de travail, types de contrats de travail, chômage, salaires et avantages, etc.
‐ comment chercher un emploi : les différents canaux de recherche d'emploi,
‐ comment construire son curriculum vitae,
‐ comment rédiger sa lettre de motivation,
‐ comment se préparer efficacement à un entretien d'embauche
Company's structure: departments, organization chart and positions
Company's definition Company's structure Company's departments Organization chart sample Company's positions
Employment vocabulary
People at work At work Categories of job Working hours Time off Unemployment
Around salary and perks Applying for a job
How to successfully look for a job
Tip N°1 ‐ Picture your dream job and your career goals Tip N°2 ‐ Job search channels
Tip N°3 ‐ CV, online profile and cover letter Tip N°4 ‐ Plan ahead and get organised
Tip N°5 ‐ Apply with confidence Tip N°6 ‐ Expand your skills
Tip N°7 ‐ Expect the job search to take longer than you think
What is a CV for?
The purpose of a CV Time spent reading a CV
What does a recruiter require from a CV? What are the essentials of a good CV?
Writing an effective CV The layout of the CV The sections of a CV
The different types of CV
What should not be included in a CV? What about gaps in a CV?
Quiz ‐ Writing an effective CV Checklist to validate your CV
What are the essentials of a cover letter? The time spent reading an application What is a cover letter?
Why should you write a cover letter? Initial research
Writing an effective cover letter
The layout of the cover letter ‐ generalities
The layout of the cover letter ‐ general headings Checklist to validate your cover letter
Key points to remember
Final quiz ‐ Writing an effective cover letter
Preparing for a successful job interview
Job interviews ‐ the facts Before the interview The day of the interview
Checklist to prepare a successful job interview Ending the job interview
How to master 10 common interview questions
Job interview questions
5 easy job interview questions 5 tricky job interview questions
Following up after the interview